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This One is for the Older Folks

Almost 65 or 65 and older?

Women's Retreat with Immaculee Ilibagiza - September 29/30

Women's Retreat at Our Lady of the Valley in Birmingham on September 29/30 w/Immaculee Ilibagiza

Women's Retreat with Immaculee Ilibagiza - September 29/30

Women's Retreat at Our Lady of the Valley in Birmingham on September 29/30 w/Immaculee Ilibagiza

Women's Retreat with Immaculee Ilibagiza - September 29/30

Women's Retreat at Our Lady of the Valley in Birmingham on September 29/30 w/Immaculee Ilibagiza

Evangelization Lunch and Learn at Holy Spirit in Huntsville - Tuesday, October 17th

Learn how to share, defend, and explain your faith, and enjoy lunch and fellowship

Lunch and Learn at Holy Spirit in Huntsville, this Thursday, July 13th

Learn your faith; learn how to share, defend, and explain your faith; and enjoy lunch and fellowship

Lunch and Learn at Holy Spirit in Huntsville, this Thursday, July 13th

Learn your faith; learn how to share, defend, and explain your faith; and enjoy lunch and fellowship

Women's Retreat with Immaculee Ilibagiza - September 29/30

Women's Retreat at Our Lady of the Valley in Birmingham on September 29/30 w/Immaculee Ilibagiza

Evangelization/Apologetics Series at the Cathedral

3rd in a Four Part Series

Fr. Coyle Documentary

Fr. Coyle Documentary