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To sign up for our free email newsletter, enter your email address in the box above. The newsletter includes information about upcoming luncheons, conferences, and seminars along with other general information of interest to Catholics in Alabama.

Evangelization Training Workshop in Huntsville

SPSE training workshop

Diocese of Birmingham Catechist Conference

Catechist Conference

Evangelization Training Workshop

Evangelization training workshop this weekend

My Interview on an Atheist's Website

The Quaz

Will You Be One of the Laborers?

St. Paul Street Evangelization training workshop

Evangelization Training

St. Paul Street Evangelization training workshop

Evangelization Training

St. Paul Street Evangelization training workshop

Catholic Family Fest

Family Fest weekend

Women's Health Expo this Saturday in Huntsville

Women's Health Expo Reminder

Catholic Quarterly Luncheon - Birmingham

Catholic Quarterly Luncheon