Men's Retreat @ St. Mark the Evangelist in Birmingham

Hey folks,

Please see the announcement below about an upcoming men's retreat, led by Bishop Robert Baker, at St. Mark the Evangelist parish here in Birmingham on Saturday, February 17th.

God bless!



The 6th annual Men's Lenten Retreat will be on Sat. Feb 17th, 2024 starting at 8:00am till 2:00pm at Saint Mark the Evangelist Parish, facilitated by Bishop Emeritus Most Rev. Robert J. Baker, S.T.D.  This year's theme - The Eucharist: Nourishment for the Journey

Cost will be $15.00 to cover the continental breakfast and a box lunch.  Invite your friends and come join us for a day of 
reflection to start your Lenten Journey.   Register on-line at